Our Programmes
We work with multinational companies and government agencies to drive innovation in more than 10 verticals & industries. Discover below to see how you can accelerate your business together with Growth Charger.
Startup World Cup (Malaysia) 2025
Cyberview Living Lab Accelerator (CLLA) Cohort 20
BRIDG3 Hackathon
Selangor Accelerator Programme (SAP)
Intensive 3-month programme will benefit tech startups through excellent guidance from well-versed mentors in the community and comprehensive workshops, uplifting them to investment and expansion-ready levels.
Special: TERAJU C&G Intervention Plan
[INVITED ONLY] Special programme by TERAJU to help selected SUPERB winners under Coach & Grow Intervention Plan
Vertical: Retail & Brand
We empower brands & retailers to digitise and improve their value creation across their entire supply chain.
Vertical: Healthcare
We drive innovation primarily on digital health technologies that improve the journey for patients and automation for locums.